- A text document containing important information about PageSpinner
Register PageSpinner
- An application that can be used to create a registration form to be faxed, emailed or sent via standard mail with your registration. You may also register on-line at the PageSpinner Web site.
PageSpinner Guide
- A data file containing interactive on-line help, which can be accessed from PageSpinner's Help menu
What's new?
- A text document describing new features in this version
- This file, which describes the contents in the PageSpinner distribution
- Contains examples in HTML format which can be viewed in your browser from PageSpinner’s Help menu or by opening the file "index.html" in your browser
- Manual in HTML format which can be viewed in your browser from PageSpinner’s Help menu or from the Documentation sub-menu in PageSpinner’s Web Tools menu. The folder also contains a Database Publishing Kit which can be used to publish data from databases such as FileMaker Pro and 4D.
- An empty folder which can be used to store backup files in when using PageSpinner's backup commands
PageSpinner Scripts
- Contains AppleScripts that are displayed in PageSpinner's Script menu. You can add more scripts to the menu by placing compiled AppleScripts in this folder.
PageSpinner Extensions
- A folder that contains plug-in extensions which add items to the Tags and Web Tools menus and to the list of examples in PageSpinner's HTML Examples window. You can download additional extensions from the PageSpinner Web site.
PageSpinner Aliases
- Empty folder where you can place files, templates and aliases to browsers or other applications and frequently used files. All items in this folder can be launched from PageSpinner’s Open Special menu.
- In this folder you can place include files that should be available for inclusion in any page you edit with PageSpinner. (You can also have local folders called "Includes" inside the folders that contain your web pages. These local include files will then only be available for inclusion in web pages inside that folder or a sub-folder.)
- This folder contains essential settings and helper files used by the application. You should not change or remove anything that is located in this folder unless otherwise stated.
FAQ-Spinner: an AppleScript kit that can create on-line FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) from a FileMaker database
TextSpinner: an AppleScript kit that will create linked pages from all text files inside a folder
MailSpinner: an AppleScript kit that can create Web pages with contents from mailboxes in Eudora or Emailer
Drop & Search Applications: scriptlets that will let you search and replace text in multiple PageSpinner files
Drop & Set PageSpinner: an utility that let you set PageSpinner as the creator of multiple files at once
PageSpinner Demo Scripts: sample scripts which may be of interest when learning to script PageSpinner
Localized Menu Plug-ins: plug-in files that can localize menu items and dialog text to other languages
Table Include Example: shows how you can manage a table-based page layout using PageSpinner's Include files
PageSpinner & Frontier: information on how to use PageSpinner with Frontier
You are always welcome to the PageSpinner Web site at
where you will find the latest news about PageSpinner